--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2009, at 8:22 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> > He has a liter of water from John of God, the healer from Brazil,  
> > he has been taking Ammachi blessed water, he has his newfound 
> > faith in Jesus, really, I'd try to find some Padre Pio holy 
> > water. I'd trade 50 of anything else for something blessed by 
> > Padre Pio. Not joking.
> He was the fave of enlightened TMer Robin Woodsworth Carlsen, who  
> later converted to Roman Catholicism. Being dead for so long, one  
> wonders if there is any Padre Pio holy water left? But then again,  
> how could you tell?

I cannot comment on Padre Pio water (and for that
matter don't even know who the heck he is), but I
can attest to the effectiveness of water from 
Lourdes. I met with some meditating friends who
were doing a kind of tour of France, and they gave
me a bottle of water they had recently purchased
in Lourdes. While driving back home after meeting
them, I encountered one of those summer rainstorms 
that in southern France are more like mudstorms,
because the rain happens during a dust storm. 

The resulting muck turned my windshield dangerously
opaque, and I found that I was out of wiper fluid
and dozens of kilometers from anywhere I could buy
more windshield cleaner or even fill the reservoir
up with water. So I poured the Lourdes water into
the wiper fluid reservoir and it worked just fine.
It "healed" the muddy windshield and allowed me to 
continue safely on my way. Not joking.

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