--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Vaj wrote:
> >>
> >> Can you see the third eye? That is how some of my mentors mentioned how
> >> one could identify whether one was down the road of enlightenment (never
> >> mind just where).
> >
> > I just get a flash of awareness when I place attention there. Although 
> > I have seen the opening as practiced in our tradition on my teacher, 
> > as have others.
> When you place the attention on someone else or yourself?   I saw the 
> spot of light with a few people I met in India.  I've seen it with a few 
> people in the US too.  With the proper techniques opening the third eye 
> isn't all that difficult.

Has this third eye any use? I just say 'cos a seagull stole my fish
and chips right out of my hand the other day. If I could have had one
eye on my haddock, the other on my chips, and the other rolling around
my forehead scanning the threatening skies - maybe I could have saved
my supper?

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