(Is that the most unlikely to get clicked on headline on FFL yet!)

Researchers in China and the UK say they have discovered
the fossils of a new type of flying reptile that lived more
than 160 million years ago.

The find is named Darwinopterus, after Charles Darwin. 

Experts say it provides the first clear evidence of a 
controversial idea called modular evolution. The 20 new
fossils found in north-east China show similarities to 
both primitive and more advanced pterosaurs, or flying 

Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that flourished between
65 and 220 million years ago. But the discovery of more 
than 20 new fossil skeletons in north-east China sits in
the gap in this evolutionary chain. 

Darwinopterus is a hawk-like reptile with a head and neck
just like advanced pterosaurs - but the rest of the skeleton
is similar to more primitive forms. Researchers say that 
this could be evidence of what they call modular evolution -
where natural selection forces a whole series of traits to 
change rapidly rather than just one. 

The whole story (with some cool pictures):


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