--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > At the end of the chapter, he mentions experiments which
> > refuted Hagelin's (SU(5)
> I addressed this in my post to Hugo. Hagelin's Flipped
> SU(5) has not been refuted and remains a leading GUT
> candidate.

Fraid I may not have read that Judy, I don't get the chance
to log in everyday. But I remember remarking recently that
I wasn't sure if the demolition of the SU5 theory included 
Hagelins contribution because the wikipedia page, which is 
the only place I could find it, doesn't mention anything of

I haven't read the quantum gods book yet as Amazon seem
to be having trouble getting me a copy. Maybe the Higgs
boson is interfering  with parcel delivery too. But the 
trouble with the conclusions page of the truth about TM 
article is that all of the references are from TM scientists.
Which isn't surprising as the mystic side of QP has been 
dropped by pretty much everyone. As I always say, the only
people who put consciousness and QP in the same sentence are
trying to sell you something.

Which doesn't mean it's nonsense just that we've moved on 
from thinking that the spooky possibilities that come with 
QP are best explained this way. Last time I managed to get 
one of the phycisists I know to even discuss it all he would
say was "It's a mystery but why make it a bigger mystery 
than it needs to be?" Getting the average physicist even 
that far takes some doing, the whole mystic bit is overdone
to the point of tedium by the 'what the bleep' crowd and 
people get weary of having to explain things they last 
considered in first year at uni. If there is truth in it why
do most physicists not believe it? Some utterly reject the possibility, some 
are agnostic.

Truth is the TMers have a belief they want to see validated.
What happens to the CasUF argument if the quantum computing 
lab at Oxford build a QC capable of telling us what happens at
the fundamental level? It disappears and is never heard from 
again that's what. They are on the way with that little project
and David Deutsch, who is running the show, dismisses CasUF 
most unequivocally.

I explained the TM position on consciousness and QP to this
guy I know and he had fear creeping over his face because
he thought he'd have to humour me when he thinks it's all
a load of crap. When I explained I thought that the TM beliefs
were an *analogy* of QP he was visibly relieved because "It's 
not even a good analogy, you can't experience the unified field
in your head, it just doesn't work like that!"

Next time I see him I'll press for a better explanation because
you don't find this stuff in modern physics books, if you're 
lucky you'll get is a swift explanation of why people *used* to
think consciousness was a contributory factor in QP but don't 
anymore. Sometimes you'll get an admission that nobody really 
knows yet. But most physicists just keep working without worrying about it as 
it will all sort itself out in the end.

And this is where the TMO take a sidestep away from reality as
"the end" for the TMO is that the universe is micromanaged
by "nature" from a level of pure intelligence and that we can 
tap into that and influence the world and each other. It's not 
just that they have a belief about the nature of fundamental 
particles it's a full on religion with devas, yagyas, astrology 
etc. This is what they are all about and it's what they are 
selling. Are they ever going to convince the world? I doubt it.

I've explained to my physics pals the TM beliefs on preventing 
crime, creating coherence at a distance in other peoples brains, 
even in preventing earthquakes and we are unanimous in that it's
one of the strangest (and funniest) ideas on the market at the 
moment and none of them believed a word of it, indeed thought it
the most unlikely thing they'd heard for a long time. Actually, 
we got onto David Icke from there who you might think is a contender in the 
bizarre idea stakes, but I think giant shape-shifting 
lizards are several orders more normal from the idea that TM 
prevents earthquakes. Before anyone says that is the extreme end 
of TM beliefs, you can't have the Maharishi effect without it
because it's the same thing, same theory, same physics, same effect.

I'm sure someone in the TMO could say that I don't understand their
position well enough to comment but I've been at TM a while and
I think I've got a pretty good grip of the ideas. I think that finding out 
whether Hagelins flipped SU5 has actually been refuted should be my task for 
the week as a lot of the argument seems to rest on it.

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