>>> The article below gives the reasons you should
>>> no longer own a pet if you believe in catastrophic 
>>> man-made global warming.
>>> Manning, eat your schnauzer and save the planet

"Rick Archer"
>> Dogs and cats don't eat any more than
>> small omnivorous children, so by this
>> logic everyone should kill their children,
>>  or any "extra" ones not needed to
>> perpetuate the species.

> Killing your own children for the sake of 
> preventing global warming, Rick?
> Now I think you're going a little too far.

A test perhaps? The Abraham thing. Rick's deity Gaia 
may be thirsting for sacrifice! One should always 
follow right through with one's beliefs.

Check out Rod Liddle below.  (Two Brits figure in his 
piece: Lord Stern = idiotic but highy influential 
economist who last week urged everyone to become 
vegetarian. "Meat is a wasteful use of water and 
creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous 
pressure on the world's resources. A vegetarian diet 
is better". Lord Stern is not himself a vegetarian. 
John Prescott = former Brit deputy prime minister who 
led the UK delegation to Kyoto. Not famous for his 
slim figure or modest appetites. Nor (like Gore) for 
his miniscule carbon footprint. Hence in modern 
parlance the phrase "Two jags Prescott" - a person who 
cannot be satisfied with just one gas guzzler):

"As someone who yearns to live a green, ethical life, 
I wish these climate-change experts would agree upon a 
common strategy. Last week we were told to help the 
environment by eating dogs, but I scarcely had time to 
sauté a spaniel before Lord Stern announced that we 
should give up meat altogether.

That's all very well — but I have three dalmatians and 
a golden retriever in the freezer, so what am I meant 
to do? I'm not even sure what bin to put them in. 
They'll probably end up as landfill, and that's not 
going to help anyone, is it? Lord Stern thinks meat is 
bad because the animals we eat tend to be extremely 
flatulent. Well, sure, but has he been out for a curry 
with John Prescott? One rogan josh and that's both 
icecaps gone. The cows, by comparison, are nowt.

Meanwhile, the climate-change lobby has been urged to 
be a little less sensationalist ("Eat dogs or all the 
polar bears will die!") in its apocalyptic warnings, 
so as to get the message across a little better. And 
what is the message? Another report, from last week: 
global temperatures have been dropping since 1998 and 
are expected to do so for quite a bit yet. Hold the 
fricassee of poodle for a while, then, and hold the 
mung-bean risotto."

More Rod Liddle on apocalyptycism:

"I wonder where this yearning for catastrophe comes 
from? It seems to exist inside most of us; perhaps it 
is a Darwinian trait, a by-product of self-
consciousness. Obviously, only people with lime jelly 
for a brain, or those who have become the captives of 
some psychotic cult, seriously believe the stuff about 
2012 (or 2017)." 

And continues...

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