Like the Bible, that cutting-edge guide to child-rearing states "Spare the Taser, spoil the child"...or something like that.

Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl
Mother backs electric justice for unruly child
By Lester Haines • Get more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 19th November 2009 10:26 GMT

An Arkansas cop has been suspended after tasering a ten-year-old girl who repeatedly "screamed, kicked and resisted" when her mother attempted to get her to have a shower before bed.

Officer Dustin Bradshaw was called to a "domestic disturbance" in Ozark on 11 November, where he found the girl "curled up on the floor, screaming", according to his report.

Bradshaw wrote that the girl was "violently kicking and verbally combative", and noted: "Her mother told me to tase her if I needed to."

When Bradshaw attempted to arrest the child, she kicked him in the groin, so he gave her "a very brief drive stun to her back" of "less than a second", as police chief Jim Noggle put it. Bradshaw was then able to handcuff the subdued perp and she was taken into custody. (...)

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