--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> Thus you see orgs which engender males and females who are
> frustrated pseudo-feminists maintaining embedded hierarchal
> power-structures within their own consciousness: the bland
> leading the bland, who's primary war-cry is "Marshy said".

<wiping splattered coffee off my keyboard>

Does Vaj *read* what he writes before he posts it?

Right, Vaj, "Marshy said" is *soooo* helpful as a
war-cry for the feminist cause.

We should really get someone to Photoshop a photo
of Maharishi to show him ripping apart his dhoti to
reveal a T-shirt declaring, "This is what a FEMINIST
looks like."

Yeah, that's the ticket!



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