--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> IMO, and as a topic for discussion -- not argument --
> only someone who has a shitload of self (small S)
> going for them.
> If we were to believe holy men's (including Maharishi's
> if you want) descriptions of Self as opposed to self,
> realization of such a state is way Cool. I mean, you get
> to look around yourSelf and see that the entire universe
> that you can either perceve or imagine is your Self, not
> some puny semblance of Self imagined by the puny self.
> What's not to like about that? Literally everything you
> perceive in the world around you and the stuff you imagine
> is Self. You. If You thought it up, how unCool could it be, eh?
> And yet.
> And yet spiritual seekers throughout the centuries have
> managed to find fault with the stuff that other seekers --
> usually from other traditions -- have found Cool about
> the universe they perceived around them when they
> didn't.
> What's up with that, eh?

Maybe they think that's Cool too.

(Barry's never quite gotten the implications of
Unity consciousness.)

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