--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> Stop the pundits?
> This extreme abnormal wet weather around here in Iowa the last two years.
> Since the pundits have arrived in force.  Is it the chanting?  Or evidence of
> Global climate change a-coming?  If we would believe Shemp then it be the 
> pundits evidently.
> Is simply extraordinary the power of the chanting by a bunch of boys.

Or is it simply bad weather and the pundits chanting don't do 
jack shit?

Except waste their lives behind barbed wire singing songs to
gods that never existed when they could be out making something
of their lives.

How much more evidence do you need that the Maharishi effect
doesn't exist. Another few years abnormally bad weather?

Let the pundits go home.

> Jai Adi Shankara,
> -D in Iowa

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