To All:

It is now scientifically accepted that the universe is expanding at an ever 
increasing speed.  Eventually, the rate of expansion will reach the speed of 
light and exceed it.  According to Professor Susskind, a physicist from 
Stanford, the energy output of the stars or galaxies at that point becomes 
frozen in time.

However, it is possible that the Einstein's special theory of relativity could 
take effect.  That is, as objects exceed the speed of light, time reverses in 
its progress.  So, that means the stars or galaxies (or for that matter, any 
living beings that may still be existing at that time) will get younger and 

In the end, all of matter will return into its original state close to the Big 
Bang.  In other words, the universe will get hotter and hotter as it reaches 
the point of origin.

As Susskind theorized, it is possible that the temperature will turn matter 
into plasma and would get hotter as the negative pressure of the expanding 
universe increases.  Eventually, this intense heat will contribute to the 
explosion of another Big Bang which create matter to form a new universe.


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