> > 
> > This website may help you. They've helped hundreds of people such as 
> > yourself. Here are the references to the MSAE:
> > 
> > http://tmfree.blogspot.com/
> Om Dear, 
> is a bum steer this gives you.   To those Fallen away meditators who strayed 
> from the path.  Troubled animals & didn't get to the end.   A Disgruntled 
> lot.  Troubled animals.  Non-meditators.  

Yup, clearly a troubled and negative down-in-the-mouth type of people on that 
anti-meditation web site.  Pitiable types in life of less than 200 on that 
Power vs. Force David Hawkins scale of consciousness.  Evidently 175 and 
falling on the Map of consciousness logarithmic scale of 1000.


> Death, 'tis a melancholy day
> To those who have no transcendence, 
> When the poor soul is forced away
> To seek her last abode.
> In vain to heav'n she lifts her eyes,
> For guilt a heavy chain,
> Still drags her downward from the skies
> To darkness, fire and pain.

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