--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <waybac...@...> wrote:
> I have never seen anyone levitate, and have no idea what 
> you saw many times.  

Well, it *appeared* to be gentle lifting up off
the sofa and then hovering in mid-air for several
minutes in exactly the way that a brick doesn't.
(Not to Douglas Adams for that description of
levitation.) Or, out in the desert, him just
"stepping up" off the sand and walking around
about a foot above the ground for a while. Neat
to see...still don't know what it was.

> I know Rama also could move clouds on command - and that 
> was reported by many people in the audience at the same 
> time. So something happened, but what I do not know.

I was there, and I don't know, either. Saw the
cloud trick many times, as did many others. My
favorite is still the "turning invisible" thang,
standing two or three feet in front of you and
then turning first opaque and then invisible, so
that I could see stars through his body. Neato.

Great fun all around. And there were other good
times as well. And yet at the same time, the guy
could be a real shit, and wound up offing himself.
Go figure. 

> Regarding spaceships - maybe they are getting us accustomed 
> to the idea of other intelligences slowly over time.  Not 
> much I can do but wait and see.  

Not much any of us can do but wait and see. Me, I
am still not convinced that "spaceships" are involved
at all. Given the vast distances involved, any race
that still needed technology to move from one planet/
star to another is so unevolved as to be uninteresting
IMO. My bet is that if we've ever had "visitors," they
just mentally "project" a kind of subtle body here, not
necessarily a physical one. People catch glimpses of
these subtle bodies from time to time but, having no
intellectual framework for such things, think that
what they are seeing must be physical. That's my 
theory, anyway.

> And I agree with your idea that the here and now needs a 
> lot of attention and improvement - 

You don't "help" ignorant savages by giving them high
explosives. And there is simply no question that planet
Earth is populated by ignorant savages. 

> altho I do kind of hope that if contact is made, I am 
> alive when it happens and that humans can improve as a 
> result. 

I've been a fan of science fiction long enough to know
that most writers assume things would turn out more 
like "District 9" than benevolently. Or like "Avatar."
Humans have a tendency to fuck things up.

> In addition to all the technology info, which must be 
> wondrous, I would love to know what other beings have 
> as belief systems - do they have a spiritual view of 
> the cosmos, or scientific, or both?

I hear that the Plieaideans worship the Big Duck,
and that the Swedish tradition of sitting around
watching Donald Duck cartoons on Christmas Eve is
an artifact of early contact with them.  :-)

> Ah well, back to reading on a cold and wet winter day.  
> I love it.  I am rereading a few favorites (Fifth 
> Business by Davies right now.  I am guessing you would 
> like it if you haven't already read it).

I know about Robertson Davies from the time I lived
in Canada, but somehow have never read anything by
him. I'll try to correct that oversight...

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