--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@...> wrote:
> I hope they were  nice to him when they arrested him. Navy Seals are being 
> court martialed for slugging the guy  in the gut, that murdered Americans, 
> burned them and hung them from a bridge.
> ________________________________
> From: Bhairitu <noozg...@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sat, December 26, 2009 1:28:56 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Airlines overreact to "alleged" bombing attempt
> Better hope you don't have a diarrhea attack within an hour of landing 
> on your next plane flight. The airlines goofy over this alleged bombing 
> attempt have implemented a rule that an hour before landing you can't 
> leave your seat. Apparently some are even saying you can't even have 
> any carry-on items in your lap during that time. Really shows you the 
> intelligence of management of the airlines which is why they are doing 
> so poorly. They kowtow to the security theater people who dream up this 
> kind of stuff.
> As the story unfolds on the 23 year old kid my bet is he has no real 
> connection to any terrorist group especially Al-Qaeda but is just a nut 
> case. That is apparently what his dad fears. But the fascists will use 
> any excuse to put fear into the public to control them. My bet is that 
> airlines from other countries won't bother with such rules.
> http://tinyurl. com/y8alwmc
>>>>where is the publication on the hour wait on plans after landing??? but 
>>>>maybe your right about him just being a nut case. after all people who 
>>>>strap explosives to there legs and then try to ste them of an oaircraft are 
>>>>a little nutty. but there brain damage is explained by their extreamism, 
>>>>what is you excuse?...nut x10.

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