--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Very nice, thanks for posting this Rick. In fact Maharishi was very clear 
> that if the Sidhas did not respond quickly and went to Femahrn during 
> Christmas a war would start. But I'm unsure to the Colone's details as I 
> remember that the Soviets wanted to invade Poland because of the unrest 
> created by Lech Walesa and the workers there, that they marched up several 
> divisions of tanks on the Polish/Soviet border that was nutralized by huge 
> amounts of snow only days after the course in Femahrn started; with such 
> amounts of snow even tanks could not move. But let the historians sort this 
> out. I doubt the Soviets would dare to attack West-Germany knowing that that 
> would be a start of a new huge war. What they did not know was that the 
> Western countries would not allow the Soviets to invade Poland and the 
> consequences would be the same as invading West-Germany.
> I also heard that after the course Maharishi said "We avoided world war III" 
> (words from memory, not quote)

...and suckers like Nabby actually believed him.

And you wonder why the Movement is the great failure it is today?  This is why.

The wonderful thing about TM is that it does indeed pruduce benefits such as 
those described above but the most precious TM benefit of all is that one never 
had to claim such benefits in order to get them.  Ironically, it is only by 
suggesting that such benefits occur that is the single greatest guarantee we 
won't get them because to do so means that less people will meditate BECAUSE 

Nabby: when will you realize that it is you and people like you that destroyed 
the TMO?  And that, by extension, you INCREASED the chance for war and 
suffering in the world?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > A Christmas Story
> > 
> > 
> > Germany's Colonel Gunter Chasse, a longtime Meditator, recently related a
> > wonderful Christmas memory. He explained what led  to the planned invasion
> > of West Germany by the Warsaw Pact armies in December 1978. Colonel Chasse
> > illustrated the political and military build-up with maps,  and showed
> > documents confirming the decision of the Warsaw Pact armies to invade West
> > Germany at Christmas. 
> > 
> > Colonel Chasse then showed how Maharishi,  being aware of the pending
> > conflict,  chose the island of Fehmarn - in the Baltic Sea between East and
> > West Germany where the Warsaw Pact fleet would attempt to pass out to the
> > Atlantic - as the strategic location of a course for 1, 500 Meditators with
> > the advanced TM-Sidhis Program, who traveled and gathered on the island of
> > Fehmarn at that time and meditated together in that one location,  creating
> > an invisible,  but invincible armour of protection for the entire area.
> > During the time of the course,  the surrounding areas had the biggest
> > snowstorms in decades; the storms spread from Fehmarn concentrically to East
> > and West Germany. The highways and railways were all blocked,  and the
> > Baltic Sea froze. As a result,  the army and navy could not attack. 
> > 
> > But both the East and West German armies were put to positive use - in an
> > atmosphere of great cordiality - in bringing food and medical supplies to a
> > huge number of villages and farms stranded by the snowstorms.  Colonel
> > Chasse related that this was the turning point of the Cold War: from then on
> > relations between East and West Germany began to melt. It was a powerful
> > example of Maharishi's programs of 'Invincible Defence' preventing a
> > catastrophic war at the last possible moment,  possibly averting the danger
> > of World War III. What started out as an invasion,  resulted in the spirit
> > of giving.
> > 
> > Garry, Helen, and the
> > Maharishi Invincibility Centre - Victoria
> > Teaching the Transcendental Meditation Program
> >

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