it is said that "there is nothing but God and that God is Love"
and that LOVE is what we really are
LOVE is our true nature

if this is not our experience, at least some glimpses here and there,
there must be something blocking that

it is the mind that either can be used as a tool to search for TRUTH
which is

or, the mind can be used to block LOVE
when the mind's intellect has decided that it is capable of knowing
without LOVE

this is not possible because only LOVE is TRUTH

without LOVE, the intellect,
no matter how clever, no matter how scientific,
will create FEAR which is the opposite of LOVE

here, we are talking about Real Love( God's Love ) and about Real Truth
is "absolute spacious loving awareness"

in order to understand above, it may be necessary to either go within
experience deep silence and/or read and contemplate the following books:

Amma's "Awaken Children" Vol 7

Don Miguel Ruiz's "Mastery of Love" and "The Four Agreements"

Jim Dreaver's "End Your Story, Begin Your Life"

These books explain what the nature of mind is, how mind is conditioned,
personality is created and identified with falsely, and thus veiling our
identity as LOVE

So, listen to this beautiful song "I Choose Love" seemingly
appropriate as a  resolution for 2010 (from  9 to 15 mins into video);
then a great interview with Jim Dreaver about his teaching "you are
not your story"

or  "I Choose Love"  @

May all beings everywhere be truthful, loving, happy and healthy !
Amma Bless All,

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