--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "fflmod" <ffl...@...> wrote:
> I always assumed scientists were referring to space when talking about the 
> abundance of dark matter. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > If I got it right, according to Lawrence Krauss, almost
> > all of the mass of the universe consists of Dark Matter(30%?)
> > and Dark Energy(70%?). My wild hypothesis is, that /aakaasha/
> > is Dark Matter and/or Dark Energy.
> > 
> > Now, YF seems to be based on paying attention to the
> > fact, that ones body basically is what is described above,
> > and after that raising the vibrational level of that 
> > particular "lump" of /aakaasha/ by mentally "manipulating" it! :D
> >

Sez the puruSa-suukta of Rgveda (X 90, 3  c and d):

paado 'sya vishvaa bhuutaani
tripaad asyaamRtaM divi


paadaH; asya vishvaa bhuutaani
tri-paat; asya; amRtam; divi]

Macdonell's translation:

A fourth of him (puruSa) is all beings,
three-fourths of him are what is immortal 
[ever expanding, i.e. brahma(n)?  - card]
in heaven.

Well, 25/75 seems not to be that far from 30/70...

Some words:

pada    n. (m.) step, pace, stride; footstep, vestige, mark; footing, 
stand-point, place. spot, position, station; office, (high) rank, dignity; 
object, cause, often adj. subject or obnoxious to (---); foot (also as a 
measure of length), quarter of a stanza, line; *** word or a kind of base of a 
noun (g.)***; also = {padapATha} q.v. 

pAda[1] (= paada, pa:da, pa_da, páda, pa.da, päda, etc.)      m. foot, leg 
(lit. & fig.), foot as a measure; column, pillar; ray, beam (as the foot of a 
heavenly body); fourth part, quarter of anything, esp. of a four-versed stanza, 
also part or verse i.g., section, chapter. Often pl. the feet of (---) i.e. the 
venerable --.

1. 'paada' is the so called stem form, or stuff; 
'paadaH'(in sandhi: paado [read: ~ pah-daw]) is the
nominative singular.

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