Hugo wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> Hugo wrote:
>>> do you get this nonsense from dude?
>>> BTW the BBC have finished the second series of my fave 
>>> TV show "Survivors." Broadcast starts on 12 Jan.
>>> Catch up here:
>>> The best post apocalypse show ever made. As bleak as the 
>>> day is long. I like my doom and gloom.
>> It starts on BBC America in February and probably season one.  I don't 
>> have BBC America unless they play the series OnDemand.  The robber 
>> barons at Comcast seem to want $61 more to get the tier with BBC 
>> America.  Ridiculous!   The trailer sports a "one person" super-hero 
>> theme, seemingly a woman who is immune to the virus -- and yes that's a 
>> theme that has been done numerous times.  It is a reinforcement of the 
>> "me" meme.
> It was done first by the BBC in the 70s, this is a remake or rather
> re-imagining as they like to say these days. It's bang up to date 
> with guns in yer face and everything whereas the original, while 
> bleak, was more stagey and philosophical but still unsettling
> viewing with it's plagues and packs of wild dogs giving everyone rabies, such 
> fun!
> It's worth a look anyway. I think if you can't make a good drama
> out of the end of the world there must be something wrong, but the
> BBC failed with Day of the Triffids recently. Survivors is much 
> better.
> I'd tell you about the central character but don't want to spoil it.

I see that the first full episode of Demons is up OnDemand.  They had 
the first 28 minutes as a teaser previously.   They may do the same come 
February for Survivors.

BBC productions are pretty low budget compared to US networks but then 
the US networks in order to survive will have to start producing shows 
like the BBC does.  Seems their big money productions are failing 
anyway.  Most people are just looking for a good story to entertain them 
and the network executives seem to believe they don't and want glitz 
instead and long long drawn out seasons usually with a bunch of 
worthless filler episodes.

The LA Times has a prognostication article on tough times ahead for the 
media.  One thing I would root for having mentioned Comcast is for the 
FCC to crack down on them (after allowing them to buy NBC) and break up 
those damn over priced packages which most people only get 10% of the 
value out of.  Want to see some sparks fly on the home theater forums 
just bring up "ala carte" and we have the "armchair" businessmen 
defending the big package deals.  This is because so many of the home 
theater forums are populated by overpaid  management types who don't 
care if they spend $200 a month for cable and only get about $20 worth 
of viewing out of it.  They'll tell the rest of us to go ask our boss 
for a raise.  I laugh at the ultimate result which is one of these guys 
the next day having one of their employees walk in and ask for said 
raise since he mentioned it on the forum.,0,2942337.story

>> I watch trends and if you do that you can see where things are going.  
>> We've slammed into the wall of overpopulation.  That problem could be 
>> solved if the wealthy would give up their power.  But they want to stay 
>> in control and leave millions possibly billions in misery.   They have 
>> NO RIGHT to do so!  Our job is to make the public realize this and take 
>> action.
> I'm with you all the way. Do I have to get out of my armchair?

Probably.   I don't understand why people just sit idly by and whine "we 
can't do anything about it."

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