WillyTex wrote:
>>>> "We have the shortest waiting time for non-emergency 
>>>> surgery in the world; England has one of the longest. 
>>>> In Canada, a country of 35 million citizens, 1 million 
>>>> patients now wait for surgery and another million wait 
>>>> to see specialists...."
>>> Private business won't innovate...
> Billy:
>> I think he's got his mind made up!
> Maybe he hasn't been to the L.A. Emergency 
> room! LoL!
> "The Nobel Prizes in medicine and physiology have been 
> awarded to more Americans than to researchers in all 
> other countries combined. Eight of the 10 top-selling 
> drugs in the world were developed by U.S. companies..." 
> Read more:
> 'Where U.S. Health Care Ranks Number One'
> By Mark B. Consantian
> Wall Street Journal, January 7, 2010
> http://tinyurl.com/yd6u659

Top selling drugs?  That shows us folks what you people value.  We have 
a bunch of Amway thinking get-rich-quick wannabes who are 
"never-gonna-bes" supporting a dying political party sensibilities.  
They revel if something sells really well because they want to be rich.  
It wouldn't surprise me if they never made much more than a pauper 
income in their life.

I used "urgent care" when I slammed my finger in the car door.  
Emergency rooms aren't always necessary. 

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