Thanks. This is beautiful.  I admire the guy a lot too.
It's way utopian and incredibly virtuous what he is doing.
-Doug in FF

--- In, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> This letter was read out by a young Australian sidha on the occasion of
> Howard Settle's birthday.  He and his father recently came to Fairfield to
> join the Invincible America Course for 6 months.  
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Letter To Howard Settle
> My name is Jamie and I've been here on the IA course for 2 weeks with my dad
> Geoff, and while it's Maharishi's birthday today I would like to pay a
> little tribute to Howard Settle, also on his birthday
> What you have done to promote rising world consciousness is probably without
> parallel in modern times.  But I would like to put a personal face to the
> sponsorship you provide on the IA course.
> Our family lives on the Gold Coast - the tourism capital of the Australia.
> Mum and Dad have been sidhas for over 30 years and I learnt about 3 years
> ago, and my sister Penny learnt a little over a year ago. She saw such
> changes in me that she fast tracked plans to do the CIC course herself. A
> few months, after having learnt, Penny took advantage of your generous and
> insightful offer of sponsorship for the IA course. She resigned from work
> and signed on for 3 months of the course.
> After settling in, she began to have some lovely experiences both in and out
> of programme, and was truly inspired by the quality of the people her own
> age that she met here. They seemed generally happy and friendly; there was a
> calmness and integrity about them.
> She loved being at MUM, with out a doubt it was the best time of her life,
> and at the end of the 3 months she didn't want to leave. On one occasion she
> emailed home a quote from Maharishi that went something like "all your
> parents really want to know is that you are happy" and Penny added, "mum and
> dad - I am happy!"
> The other major development for Penny whilst at MUM and after being exposed
> to Maharishi's knowledge was that for the first time in her life she knew
> exactly what she wanted to do. She always wanted to help people at the grass
> roots level, and becoming a TM teacher just clearly stood out as the path
> she wanted to follow. 
> While at MUM, Penny frequently tried to inspire us to come over.and I was
> the first to respond. For 9 years I had worked at Billabong, the world's
> biggest and most successful surf-wear company. I managed product design
> there for the men's accessories ranges. There was a lot of interstate and
> overseas travel, range releases, PR work and long hours involved in the job.
> There was no doubt I had a rosy career ahead of me, but I wanted more from
> life than work alone could offer.
> I had experienced Guru Purnima in Vlodrop, July 2008, which I found
> unforgettable.  But the thing that really clinched it for me were these
> words from Penny, "Jamie, if you come over here - you will never want to
> leave." So I resigned from work, staying long enough to train a successor,
> and signed on for 6 months of the IA course. Just to put that decision into
> perspective, I was the type of person who put his heart and soul into his
> job, but on a fateful drive down to Byron with my girlfriend Gab, it was
> like when Maharishi was explaining his announcement to start the global
> Spiritual Regeneration Movement.the idea just 'popped into his head'.  It
> was like God sent down a lightning bolt saying 'now is the time for change",
> and I just blurted out mid sentence that I was going to do this course at
> the end of the year.and we both spontaneously started crying with joy. It
> was one of those days you never forget.
> After the IA course, Penny spent 3 months working on Mother Divine in
> Vlodrop and then returned home. When Penny arrived back in Australia, we all
> noticed what a life changing experience she had been through. She was
> stronger, more one pointed and self-sufficient, yet relaxed and laughed
> freely. We found ourselves going to her for advice quite often. She
> continued working on Mum and Dad to go to MUM.
> One of their responsibilities was caring for dad's 96 year old grandmother
> who, incidentally, does TM. They had ruled out MUM so long as she was alive,
> but Penny offered to move in and help look after Gran so dad could come over
> and do the IA course with me, then after 3 months, all going well, Mum and
> Dad would swap places. Mum would join me for 3 months and Penny would help
> Dad hold down the fort back home. Eventually, after Mum and I return, Penny
> will come back over to do TTC.
> On a personal note.I don't know why but I've always felt that I was going to
> be and do something great in the world, and while at this exact point in
> time I don't know exactly what that is, I do know that this next 6 months on
> the inward stroke on the IA course will be the perfect springboard back into
> dynamism into the relative world.
> So, Howard, as you can see your generous sponsorship has triggered massive
> changes in our family, and I'm sure this is not an isolated case.
> Thanks to you, Howard, we are now all unemployed.but happy.with a big
> underline under happy.
> So, from the Knapp family, we are proud to be able to wish you a truly
> 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to a man whose birth was a great blessing to all mankind.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> Jamie Knapp

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