--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> > From a friend:
> > I email back and forth with an old friend who is on Purusha 
> > and is up in Uttar Kashi. In fact he was the one that told 
> > me about Toni's marital status. And then he followed up 
> > with this:
> "Apparently Raja John (Hagelin) gave a clearer understanding 
> about Raja Ram's situation these days. He said that under M's 
> guidance Raja Raam purchased and lives in a 2 story condo in 
> Paris. He lives on one floor and his family on the other. He 
> spends the vast majority of his time doing the special program 
> that M designed for him and doing research and writing on Ved 
> in the Ramayana, and Movement administration. Raja John said 
> he thought RR is as deeply steeped in silence as any Purusha 
> and maintains what could be called an ideal Purusha program 
> and routine."

And there you have it. You just *knew* that if 
you waited long enough there would be a Vedic
explanation for this whole thing, one that would
make it all better.

The whole secret to living life Vedic-ly and yet
getting laid whenever you want to is LIVING

What I wonder about -- philosophically, you under-
stand -- is who is "on top," the man or the woman?

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