--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Well, yes, I do know what Nabby meant, and so do you,
> because he went on to explain it (and you responded
> to that post, so I know you read it):
> "Or eating a huge meal minutes before you meditate. The
> outer pressures from for example spouses and children can
> take a huge toll unless one is disciplined. That's why
> being single usually, but not always, makes things easier.
> If not disciplined small thing like overeating or not
> getting enough sleep will make experiences dull to the
> point when someone might think it's a waste of time to
> meditate or follow a time-consuming TM-Sidhi programme.
> The wast majority who drop out do so for these mundane
> reasons."

You are right, I forgot that post as it wasn't in what you quoted.   My bad and 
I apologize, especially for my comment that you were poisoning the Nabby well.  
I shouldn't try to do 10 things at once!    Now I remember that I did respond 
to his marriage comment.  Now that is a lifestyle issue.  Try to be married, 
work full time, have kids, and do your sidhi program.  Something will suffer. 
You acknowledged the difficulty when you said: "(He also makes the point that 
it can be tougher to stick to a healthy routine, including regular program, 
with a spouse and children, which seems commonsensical.)" 

Arguably, the siddhi program is unnatural for people who have to work for a 
living and have a family.  But I digress. 

> Notice that he doesn't say anything about any of what
> you called "lifestyle creep," as I suspect you were
> hoping he would so you could pounce on it and quote
> the TM promo literature again.

Don't make assumptions about me and my intentions.  You are always way off 
base.  I have no desire to pounce on Nabby, I wasn't doing that in the thread,  
and had no expectations about what he was going to say.  You sure present a 
negative view of others' motives are here and I find it insulting and tiresome. 

> > > But again, not even *that* much discipline is required to
> > > learn and practice TM. 
> > 
> > Well, it depends.  If you find the practice unsatisfying
> > it could take considerable self discipline to continue with
> > the practice.
> Of course, regular practice (as I said earlier in this
> exchange) is a given, so this is irrelevant.

Well, you are the one who said not much discipline is required to learn and 
practice TM.  I just disputed what you said. 

<snip, no time to respond to all points>
> >
> > On courses getting enough sleep during the course was
> > emphasized.  But it did seem a bit like an excuse to
> > make people go to bed early and get out of people's
> > hair. "Here, have a starchy meal and go to sleep."
> Just can't contain the malice, can you?

I would put it in the category of "snark" rather than malice.  

Well, off I go for a while.  Not enough time to joust properly.  I might check 
in to see if others responded to my questions.  Despite what Judy implies, I am 
not trying to set anyone up to be pounced on.  That is Judy's job.  (More 
snark, oops!)

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