Shemp that is funny.  Brilliant in understanding too.  Writing now as an old 
Iowa conservative meditator farmer I can only wonder what a fucking knucklehead 
jerk this Girish must be.  What the fuck is he thinking?  Yep, does seems like 
one damn ambitious fool.  Jesus fucking christ, someone should kick this Girish 
guy in the ass.  Like with a damn loose cannon on a rolling deck, lash the 
fucker down before he kills everyone and wrecks the ship. What a knucklehead.

D in FF     

--- In, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > It's not clear to me who this was sent to. I'll post that info when I find
> > out.
> >  
> > ------------------------
> >  
> > Here's a message from Maharaja ji today:
> >  
> > I spoke this morning with Girish-ji and he lovingly welcomed the news
> i.e. Girish doesn't really care for me (Nader) and looked at the news for any 
> suggestion in it that could be used to belittle and diminish my stature in 
> the Movement.
> > but
> > brought to my attention a delicacy in the notice sent by Raja Hagelin which
> i.e. Girish found something in the announcement that he is working on so that 
> a scism in the Movement can be created.  No matter how small the 
> inconsistency, we all know we can count on Girish to eventually attempt to 
> drive a Mac Truck through it.  But like the scheming little prick he is, he's 
> going to let the "delicacy" fester for a while and then exploit it at that 
> moment when it will have its greatest effect for his objectives.
> > he had read to me before sending (but I had not carefully looked at it).
> i.e. Oh, I looked at it all right and the final copy went through many, many 
> drafts before Hagelin and I settled on a draft we were both happy with.  
> Indeed, there was a back and forth between myself and Hagelin quite a bit. 
> After all, this was to be a major announcement and probably one of the most 
> important letters I will ever put my signature to.  We both knew how invested 
> many cult members in the Movement were with the illusion that I was a life 
> celibate and realized the potential for a visceral reaction on their part if 
> we didn't handle it in just the right way.  That's why we spent hours upon 
> hours on the letter to get it just right.
> But in the interest of damage control and because that prick Girish wants to 
> control the whole Movement, he is putting the pressure on me and I now have 
> to back off at something in the letter to make him happy.  After all, that 
> bastard has his fingers on the major shre of the Movement's purse strings and 
> when he says "dance" I pretty well have to unless I want to see the Movement 
> divided in two tomorrow.
> > The following statement is not really accurate since Maharishi-ji never said
> > to me the following in those terms: "Maharishi had told him that, in the
> > tradition of rulership, having the support of a Royal Family brought
> > stability and strength to the Kingdom".
> i.e. This is really going to piss off Hagelin because he knows the truth: 
> both him and I went over that letter like a fine-tooth comb and he knows that 
> I agreed to virtually everything in it before I released it.  
> I gave him my solemn word.
> But let's face it; I'm a doctor and scientist and I have no fucking clue how 
> the machinations and infighting amongst political types in organisations like 
> this take place.  And Girish is a master at it; and of course he manipulated 
> me into saying that the passage in question is not accurate.  So I folded 
> like a cheap deck chair on the Titanic.
> > This is why it is best not to quote Maharishi in this regard. 
> i.e. Of course Maharishi said it to me and of course I accurately represented 
> his words in my letter.  But what can I do?  The Indian prick put the full 
> court press on me...
> Darn, I only wish I had tape recorded Maharishi on it so I could shut Girish 
> up...
> > Maharishi has
> > been most delicate and quiet about it and all he told me directly when I
> > personally was wondering what impact it will have was: ".this will be good
> > for The Movement.".
> i.e. My getting married was going to be a really big deal and I most 
> certainly saw the potential for conflict if Maharishi expected me to be the 
> figurehead of the Movement after he was gone.  Of course I wanted his 
> blessing and assurances before taking the leap...and I got it.  Nothing 
> delicate about it; I asked him I wanted to get married and he consented to it.
> > Other thoughts were deductions from discussions and side
> > allusions.
> i.e. That prick Girish is making me do all sorts of intellectual gymnastics 
> to weasel out of what I wrote in that letter.  "Side illusions" and 
> "deductions from discussion" indeed!  I feel like Bill Clinton defining what 
> the meaning of "is" is with Ken Starr breathing down his neck.
> > Therefore please do not quote Maharishi in this (not even the above quote)
> > and if asked just say that you personally were never told anything by
> > Maharishi about it.
> i.e. Girish made it clear to me in no uncertain terms that I am to reign in 
> any suggestion that a Royal Family is good for the Movement and if I don't 
> that he is going to bail pronto.
> > We do not want to give an impression that this is a better path to follow
> > than the path of Single life for a Raja or anyone in society.
> i.e. Girish is having trouble getting laid and wants everyone else to be as 
> miserable as he is.
> > Maharishi
> > emphasized, as I constantly do, the importance of Purusha life style. Why he
> > blessed this situation? There are many reasons but we do not need to
> > necessarily get into them right now.
> i.e. Girish is pressuring me to such an extent to come up with a retraction 
> now that I simply don't have the time to think up any more bullshit at the 
> moment to cover my ass in the way that he would be happy with.
> > You have all been wonderful and I am glad the time had come to share the
> > news with all of you. It brings me great joy and a new sense of fullness to
> > know that you are aware of this.
> i.e. I'm living like Edward the VIII after he abdicated and married  Wallace 
> Simpson and residing in one of the most beautiful areas of the most 
> wonderful, decadent cities in the world -- Paris -- where I eat in 3-star 
> Michelin restaurants and my wife goes to the coiffure twice a week.  I live 
> down the street from where the Aga Khan and Rita Hayworth lived for years.
> So it was only a matter of time before the cat was out of the bag and, hell, 
> I ain't going back to Vlodrop to live like St. Francis of Assissi with a 
> bunch of cult members.  So I had to come up with something.
> > With always renewed one pointed focus and inspiration to fulfill the goals
> > Maharishi-ji has graced us with for the achievement of the highest for human
> > kind and in deep gratitude to Him and all of you for the clarity of purpose,
> > resolve and joyful dedication to His eternal guidance.
> >  
> i.e. Yada yada yada.
> I just placed a bet with my Paris bookie as to when Girish is going to bail 
> and start his own TM Movement.
> > Jai Guru Dev
> >  
> >  
> > Raja Raam
> >

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