--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> Bhairitu:
> > ...some of the opinions expressed on FFL are 
> > from rank amateurs who only speculate on how 
> > TM works.  Some never even became teachers.  
> > Some have never been to India nor met teachers 
> > outside of the TM movement.
> >
> So, by whose authority are you passing out these 
> 'guru' mantras? According to John Manning, a 
> former 'TM-Teacher', John 'initiated' thousands 
> of individuals, yet by his own account, he was 
> trained by an outright 'con man', the Maharishi. 
> Hugo says the guy was a 'criminal' and Curtis 
> says it's just 'snake-oil' the Maharishi was 
> selling. 
> Can you cite any scriptural evidence that would 
> give you authority to initiate someone into any 
> Tantric Siddha Tradition? 
> Yes, I've been to India and I've been teaching 
> meditation for over thirty years, with direct 
> authorization from His Holiness The Dalai Lama.  
> Apparently you overheard some nonsense gibbirsh 
> from a few grocery store clerks and an astrologer, 
> who now lives in downtown Oakland. 
> What's up with that?
Well at least John has been married 3 times which is more than one can say of 
you ! Mind you they were all sisters so maybe you two do have something in 
common after all .

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