TurquoiseB wrote:
> There is a phrase one runs across from time to time,
> "an embarrassment of riches." 
> I don't know about anyone else, but having logged 
> off early in the posting day yesterday to go out 
> and...uh...actually be with someone I love on 
> Valentine's Day and do fun things, it was quite 
> a shock to skim  through what was posted after I 
> left. Same old topics, trotted out by the same 
> old angry people as if they should receive the
> same old attention. A couple of them went into 
> actual meltdowns trying to start fights.
> An embarrassment of poverty. Poor in intellect,
> poor in spirit, and above all poor in love. 
> Especially on a day devoted to it. Just sayin'...

Another goof on your part since you're not in the US.  The promotions 
for VD were to celebrate it on Saturday the 13th not Sunday.  Most of 
the restaurant deals were for that.

To those of us who were born Brahmacharayas and didn't necessarily want 
to be but karma just pegs us for that it's "Valentine's Day" bah 
humbug!  I've probably told the story too many times before but at the 
watering hole for the company I worked at in the 90's I held a 
"Valentines Day Bah Humbug" party for the singles in the company.  It 
was quite popular except for the owner of the place who hated the idea 
and from then on made sure he had a Valentine's Day thing from then on.

VD is just another commercial holiday for Hallmark to rake in buttloads 
of dough as well as Mars, Hershey and florists to do the same.

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