On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 9:57 AM, tartbrain <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> But before Tiger moves on there's one more apology he really should make,
> and that's to Buddha, for dragging him into this mess and proving once
> again, that whenever something unspeakably tawdry, loathsome and cheap
> happens, just wait a few days. Religion will make it worse.
> Now usually, when famous cheaters are looking for public redemption, they
> go to Jesus, but Tiger went old school, and claimed that sleeping with 2/3
> of the waitresses in America had made him a failure as a Buddhist.

Based on the accounts I heard, he only slept with a few of them.  The rest
of them he just fucked.

> He said Buddhism teaches you the way to inner peace is letting go of desire
> - and if that doesn't sound like marriage, I don't know what does.
> Personally, if I was a golfer, I'd go with Jesus - because he's a Trinity

It's a quartet, Dude.  People always forget Andy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txzOErCuQlo  (Andy walks with me, Andy talks
to me)

> , so when you walk with him, you've got a foursome. Christianity is for
> rubes. Buddhism is for actors.
He was a pretty good actor, acting Mr. Family Man, Mr. Wholesome.

> And it really is outdated in some ways - the "Life sucks, and then you die"
> philosophy was useful when Buddha came up with it around 500 B.C., because
> back then life pretty much sucked, and then you died - but now we have
> medicine, and plenty of food, and iPhones, and James Cameron movies - our
> life isn't all about suffering anymore. And when we do suffer, instead of
> accepting it we try to alleviate it.
> Tiger said, "Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves"
> makes us unhappy, which confirms something I've long suspected about Eastern
> religions: they're a crock, too.
> Craving for things outside ourselves is what makes life life - I don't want
> to learn to not want, that's what people in prison have to do. Buddhism
> teaches suffering is inevitable. The only thing that's inevitable is that if
> you have fake boobs and hair extensions, Tiger Woods will try to fuck you.
> And reincarnation? Really? If that were real, wouldn't there be some proof
> by now? A raccoon spelling out in acorns, "My name is Herb Zoller and I'm an
> accountant." ...something?
> People are always debating, is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy: it's a
> religion. You're a religion if you do something as weird as when the
> Buddhist monks scrutinize two-year-olds to find the reincarnation of the
> dude who just died, and then choose one of the toddlers as the sacred Lama:
> "His poop is royal!" Sorry, but thinking you can look at a babbling,
> barely-housebroken, uneducated being and say, "That's our leader" doesn't
> make you enlightened. It makes you a Sarah Palin supporter.
> Full rap at:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-maher/new-rule-stop-saying-sex_b_478545.html
I've got nothing against God.  It's his fan club I can't stand.

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