See? That's why I bothered. I found this reply
charming and real, and revealing that there really
is a person behind the one who just posts Other
People's Stuff. Welcome, and I hope you post more,
as yourself. Other comments inline.

--- In, merudanda <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > So merudanda...dude. ??
> Sir! Dear Barry Wright !
> Dude?=Doodli Do ?
> =Jude?=Judy(Stein?)
> Jude (UML Tool) ?
> Dude ?Dude ?Dude ?Dude ?Dude ?
> Now I remember:
> heard this expression almost 40 years ago from You
> in an encounter of the "third kind" with your karateka Id
> (identity card ) in hand trying to impress me and MMY.....

That sounds imagined, for many reasons. My previous
karate experience never once made an appearance 
during my time in the TM movement, much less in an
attempt to impress Maharishi. He was clueless as to
the spiritual value of the martial arts. Trying to
explain to him the value of a black belt would have
been like attempting the same thing with a turnip. :-)
> than later read this expression in your beautiful Internet 
> exposé and hopefully not your first publication
> (a la style Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye ":Compliment)

I guess I don't get that one, not being a Salinger

> But still been too old and too European to feel uneasy to be 
> called that: a guy and/or a dude.

'Dude' is a compliment. It implies that the person
you are addressing has the potential for coolness
within them. As opposed to someone who someone who
seems to lack any possibility of developing coolness. 
Maybe you could call the latter a jude, but never a
dude.  :-)

Being European does not IMO prohibit dudeness, but
can put a crimp in its style. Also, "dudeness" 
transcends petty concepts such as age. One is *never* 
too old to be a dude. cf. Willie Nelson. 

Your response seems to validate my extension of 
the hand of dudenessability. :-)

So what *IS* your take on this whole TM scene, eh?
Both in its Burger King crown Western incarnation
and in its Fat Relative Trying To Slip Into Maha-
rishi's Former Role Indian version? 

Was that harsh of me? :-) 

What *IS* your take on TM, the TM organization, 
Maharishi, and his successors? If you feel like
expressing it, that is. If you don't, that's cool.
It's just that many of us have so Been There Done
That with what we think about these things that
we pretty much know each others' positions on
such topics. You're the New Guy, so if you feel
like filling us in, I for one would be interested.

I'm a big fan of funny. Or even those who try to
be funny. You get points for that.

> You have been in Europe quite a while yourself, didn't You?

A few years now.

> Even you called Your personal GurU Dr. Frederick Lenz, AKA 
> "Rama," "Zen Master Rama," Anatmananda," "Vishnu," "Shiva." 
> in Your above mentioned book... 

I would have never used the last two names. He may
have tried to convince others that he was an incar-
nation of those two dudes, but I never bought it.

> playful a dude... 

That he was. Like I said, I'm a big fan of funny.

> and may be Yourself, too

If I ever had a tombstone ( I won't, and will have
them burn my ass and scatter the ashes in the under-
wear drawers of supermodels), I could hope for no 
greater epitaph upon it than: 

"Here lies Barry Wright. Dude really made us laugh."

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