nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> 
>> Von Mises was a great advocate of democracy, Sal, and felt that democracy 
>> along with a free market went hand in hand.
> What this fellow "felt" is irrelevant. The social-democratic countries of 
> northern-Europe of today has the highest standard of living on this planet. 
> In addition; according to the UN, Norway is the best country to live followed 
> by Denmark, of all countries on this planet !
> And they are all "socialist" in your terminology shemp. 
> Get used to it; they win, you loose. 
> Maharishi told you this years ago but you refuse to listen even to Him:
> "Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism"
> - His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> The silly capitalism is fast dying as we speak. In the long history of 
> mankind it will command but a short sentence. In brackets.

What I suspect folks in the European countries are experiencing is a 
safety net where they don't have to worry about falling through the 
cracks like we do here.  Capitalism as practiced in the US is "sink or 
swim".  And a lot of people are sinking.

We have all kinds of irrational people much like the wingnuts on FFL who 
just are afraid of something like communism taking over. Of course a 
good safety net need not be communistic at all.  There is this sort of 
"bravado" by wingnuts the winners in the swimfest when even themselves 
probably would sink quickly if they had to swim (and many day by day are).

Our legislators are charged with maintaining "life, liberty and the 
pursuit of happiness" and they are doing a piss poor job regardless of 
what side the aisle they are sitting on.  It's more about their "pursuit 
of happiness" in corporate campaign contributions.

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