--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Mar 10, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> >
> > Didn't get to see the link, but didn't Satya Sai Baba like 
> > to suck the bad karma out of cute little boys?
> Yes, but he never swallowed.

OK, *this* is the answer to Nabby's and others'
oft-asked question: "Why does someone who bailed
on the whole Maharishi trip decades ago still 
hang out here?"

This is FUNNY.

Funny in a way that only-once-around-the-block
spiritual seekers just don't get. 

There are folks here who have been around the block
more than once. And they've ventured into different
blocks, different spiritual 'hoods. Doing that 
loosens one up a bit in my humble opinion, and makes 
for a higher, funnier quality of conversation.

Me, I love Fairfield Life because it is such a *mix*
of once-around-the-block-ers and been-there-done-that-

You get the perspective of those who have never known
any other spiritual teacher than Maharishi, and have
never known any other spiritual path. I learn much
from these people. About their perspective, about how
much of it I used to share, and about aspects of it
I no longer share. This place simply would not be
as interesting without Nabby, or JohnR, or even Off
in his "peer review rules" moments. 

At the same time, this place would not be nearly as
interesting without the perspectives of those who have
moved on to other formal spiritual teachers and paths.
I learn much from them. Or without the perspective of
folks like Curtis, who espouses no spiritual path but
whose lifestyle I view as far more spiritual than many
spiritual seekers' lifestyles, including my own. 

If you haven't been around the spiritual block more 
than once, here's a free clue for you. You know how
"Shit happens?" Fact of life. Nothing inherently bad
or good about shit happening. Shit just happens. Taking
a dump doth not connote a Big Scandal. Similarly, in
spiritual movements "Sexual scandals happen." This
seems to be a phenomenon almost as common as "Shit
happening," but seems to get more attention.

So why is that? 

What IS it about sex that makes so many spiritual seekers
so uptight? This Nityananda guy just knocked off a piece
of nookie. And not just *any* nookie. He managed to hook
up with the modern counterpart of a Vedic goddess, a TV
or movie star (I've never been able to tell which from
the news reports). 

If this was George Clooney, you wouldn't bat an eyelash.
But if it's Nityananda? Or Satya Sai Baba? Or Chogyam 
Trungpa? Or Maharishi? Or King Tony?

I'd really like to have someone who bristles at the thought
of one of those dudes other than George Clooney being *guy*
enough to knock off a little nookie when he thought no one
was looking and who finds that thought shocking, or heretical, 
or disrespectful in some way to explain to me why you think 

I give all of these guys the ability to be *guys*, and to
get stupid every so often about the places they choose to 
put their dicks. Lord knows I've made some questionable
choices in that regard in my life. What about "enlighten-
ment" (if you believe that any or all of the aforementioned
are/were enlightened) would make any of them less susceptible 
to such bouts of pheromonal folly than George Clooney? 

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