--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Actually that "messages as of.." time is the time of the
> last email not when the script is run.  So between 4:15
> UTC and when the script ran at the right time no emails
> were delivered to the email service that Alex is using.
> They caught up afterwards.  Mystery solved.

Ah! How did you figure that out?

BTW, at least for the time being, Yahoo's Advanced Search
seems to be functioning properly again. I've checked it a
couple of times recently against both the Post Count and
the external archive, and it's been spot-on.

So anybody who is getting close to 50 posts and isn't sure
whether the Post Count is accurate because of delayed posts
or problems with Alex's server might want to check Yahoo
Advanced Search and the external archive to verify it.
(The external archive's search syntax is not very intuitive
or user-friendly; if you click on Search and then on Refine
Search, you'll get instructions on the search syntax. Takes
some getting used to.)

Also, once again you can now search by author with Yahoo's
Advanced Search and it'll give you *only* posts made by
that author instead of all posts that contain the poster's
Yahoo ID (i.e., in attributions or in quoted text).

Who knows how long it'll last...

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