Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 10:56:10 -0700
   From: Milson Macleod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*St Germain*
/18^th July, 2005/
The topic of the day is the ongoing war in Iraq , and yet again you find
yourselves involved in one you cannot win. It has become the focus of
all of the hatred against the Allied forces and is in danger of
escalating even further. Yet it is hard to hear the voices of peace over
the noise of war. Your peacemakers exist, but peace is not yet spoken of
as increasing numbers of deaths occur. The world cries out for a stop to
the madness that is engulfing the Middle East and is having
repercussions elsewhere. There is no response from those that are
promoting this war to keep their footing in that area. Liberation is now
a word that is no longer mentioned, and has been replaced by occupation.
The dangers that exist in the Middle East are likely to draw other
countries into the affray, as it threatens to move out of control. How
much longer will the rest of the world look on without moving to a
peaceful solution?  How many more terrorist attacks will be tolerated
before those that hold positions of power will say that they have had
enough? The dark will continue to ignore those who promote peace, as it
is not on their agenda. You already have an impasse where neither side
will stop the escalation of the war.
It is clear that only a change of leadership will enable a different
approach to be made to bring a halt to the war. Fortunately moves are in
hand to bring that about, and the emergency of the situation is not lost
on those involved. It is no longer an issue that should be decided on a
party political basis. It is one of wide world importance, and concerns
everyone regardless of beliefs. The outcome is one that will dictate
where humanity goes from this point onwards, and whether enlightened
souls are allowed to lead everyone out of the chaos.
As we see it from a greater view point, the demand for a stop to war and
instead world peace is growing very rapidly. It is an energy that cannot
be ignored for much longer and it will have its day. Your petitions to
the Creator are heard and you will be assisted by heavenly forces that
will ensure a peace comes to Earth. The Angelic Legions and the First
Contact Forces are not standing idly by, and already the plan is in hand
to release you from the grips of the dark. No earthly force will be able
to repel or withstand the day of reckoning. That day now draws nearer
than ever and will be signaled by greater showing in your skies of space
craft from the Galactic Federation. Let me remind you that they have
millions of craft, and they are the peace force under the command of
Lord Ashtar
As ever, try to keep your head above the negative energies and do not
allow the fear of others to pull you down. By doing so you will help
bring calmness to those around you. Talk about the issues of the day,
but do so in a way that does not involve negative emotions. Not everyone
will believe that peace will be achieved through the combined efforts of
both the dear ones of the world, and those off world. Spread your belief
that all will be well and others will be impressed by your calm and
confidence. This is the time to stand firm and hold your ground.
So many good things are happening upon Earth just now, and all are part
of a great awakening. It is taking place on all levels and you are
drawing the Light to yourselves to a greater degree than before. This is
your silent weapon against which the dark have no reply and it will be
victorious. Many of you already sense the changes in the energies around
you, and they can have an electrifying affect and your perception seems
much keener. Indeed, they are very uplifting in more senses than one.
Regardless of what goes on around you, your own progress is assured.
There is one pathway that is being taken by the dark, and another by the
Light and there is no longer a place on Earth for them to remain
together. This is a time of sorting out the dregs that have accumulated
over eons of time and cannot take their place in the Light. One must not
forget that Mother Earth carries these energies and is also throwing off
those that she cannot take with her. Soon you will help her to clear
away the pollution of negative energies and help in her cleansing. When
you came to Earth it was in a pristine condition, and it behooves you to
ensure that it is restored before this cycle ends. As you know, this is
a mammoth task but it will be lightened by the advent of First Contact
and the help it will bring.
I am St. Germain and simply ask that you do not waver in your resolve to
keep focused in the Light. It is more important than ever before as you
ready yourselves to claim your victory. You have great faith that is
wonderful to see in action at this time. I feel tremendous admiration
for all you have done, and back you with my Love so that together we
shall join arms as we cross the finishing line. You still do not fully
understand how you are loved beyond measure, but once the veils are
removed all shall see you in your full glory.
/Thank you St. Germain, Mike Quinsey/

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