No bet was made Shemp, as you know. An Anonymous-No-Where-Man, throwing
out a number, and pretending someone took you up on a bet is a typical
dishonest trait that arises with the psychosis known as
Parasite-Cyber-Sad-Syndrome (or "PISS" for short.)

In addition, Anonymous-No-Where-Men cannot make bets, because they do
not exist.

No-one is interested in this phony bet of yours. You don't have the
money, and you are not even an actual person. You are a non-entity who
refuses to give his name -- even though you keep pretending you will.

The law firm address was an old address, they changed their comapny name
and offices apparently, but on second thoughts, you are not a
trustworthy citizen so giving any personal information to you is not
desirable. No-Where-Men don't get to interact in the real world. Put up
your name, or shut up Mr. NoWhereMan.

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