--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > Well if being condescending makes you feel better about
> > yourself...
> >
> > You seem to have a pretty strong opinion yourself about my
> > subjective experience.  And you are denying my insights about
> > knowledge and doubting my POV just as I am yours. I have no
> > need for your pity, I love my life and enjoy questioning
> > statements like this:
> > . . .
> > I don't pity you Doug.  I just disagree with your claim of
> > special insight into how life works.  I don't believe you,
> > or Maharishi for that matter, has life all figured out.
> >
> > If you are enjoying your POV, fine. But you don't have to be
> > a dick about it.

Au contraire...he seems very *much* to have to be a
dick about it. To wit:

> Yes, pitiable indeed. [ I, from my highly elevated position
> of superiority, can only feel pity for someone not as cool
> and full of knowledge as myself. ]
> Om, 'Forgive them father [ whom I can speak to as if He
> were a relative because I am so "special" ] , for they [ those
> lesser and less evolved than I ] know not what they are
> doing'.  [ unlike me, who "knows" these things perfectly ]
> Ignorant in spiritual experience [ unlike me and those who
> think like me ] they are lost in their contending mentation.
> [ whereas I don't have to think any more because I just
> repeat what I was told to believe...only losers have to think...
> we truly evolved souls "know" ] An one, he even traded his
> immortal soul for a guitar. [ says the person who has shown
> no indication in recent months of possessing a soul, much less
> knowing the difference between Curtis and Robert Johnson :-) ]
> Consider the source.  [ someone who makes his living light-
> ening other people's days, as opposed to someone who can only
> feel good about himself by considering himself superior to those
> he looks down on ]
> These people are like modern day pharisee. [ said by someone
> who seems unaware that the Pharisees were those who kept
> repeating dogma told to them by others and ragging on (or
> attempting to crucify) those who thought for themselves...it
> seems to me that the Pharisee in this picture is Buck ] Is an
> apt metaphor & is pitiable for their manifest lack of deeper
> spiritual experience, as an old story. [ the old story of humans
> lost in ego declaring that *their* ideas (however borrowed and
> completely unoriginal they  are) and *their* experiences are
> "spiritual" or "deep,' whereas those of others are not ] Dim
> bulbs, absent of light to see by.  [ as opposed to "darkness
> emitters," who seem to get off on creating the *essence* of
> duality --  us vs. them -- while presenting themselves as
> "deeper" and "more spiritual" ]

Doug, get real.

Your whole act here -- whether parody or serious -- is an attempt
to pretend that a few hundred "hangers on" to a dead spiritual
movement in a backwater town in Iowa that no one has ever
heard of are somehow "special" and "more spiritual" than others.

Curtis blows more spirituality in every note of his harmonica
playing than you will ever blow out of your ass with elitist rants
like this one. He, after all, is playing for his equals, with no intent
but to entertain and uplift. You are seeking to "lift yourself" by
claiming that someone is "beneath you."

This act is really getting old. *It* -- not Curtis -- is beneath you.

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