Probably he's afraid it's MMY descended in a space vehicle
(akasha-vimana) to temp him with more offers of siddhis.

Since he's a honeyed-stage yogin(madhu-bhumika) possessed of vision
that sees only the truth (rtambhara-prajna), he knows that all kinds of
highly placed beings (sthAnin) are just waiting to lead him to some type
of prideful perdition.

"Noble sir! Take your seat here and enjoy yourself here. The
pleasures are delicious and this girl is lovely. This elixir prevents
age and death. Here is a space chariot (akasha vimana) and over there is
a wish-fulfilling tree (kalpa-vriksha). The celestial river ManDakini,
along with the siddhas and great sages all give you their blessing. Here
there are unparalleled nymphs: amenable and compliant. Here your sight
and hearing are celestial and your body is adamantine. Your special
virtues have all merited this. Take this high position, which is
unfading, ever fresh, undying and beloved of the devas."
Vyasabhasya, YS 3.51

Yep, sounds so good I know that I wouldn't have the austerity to
"just say nyet". That's only for the big yogins.

Those oh-so-clever devas!

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...>
> --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> > LOL, more like "approaching airplane".
> >
> > On Apr 3, 2010, at 11:52 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> I'd like to see an airplane standing still in the air and changing
colours too at the same spot 9 nights in a row !

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