> They hate us for our freedom...
So, the words of the 'right' incited violence 
against Democrats? 

So, I wonder if Rick was alive back in 1964?

That was the year of that really big riot in 
Harlem, that lasted five days, with 500 injured 
and many were arrested. 

The Watts riot in 1965, Detroit and Newark in 
1967, Washington, D.C., and 100 other cities 
in 1968, all bringing troops into American 

And' you're thinking this was caused by the
Republicans? You're not making any sense.
These riots were cause by Democrats who wanted 
to go 'all the way with LBJ.' This was your 
'New Left'.

Maybe you were much happier back then! 

Now, all you've got to protest against are 
the Tea Party protestors. That's it - that's 
all you've got, a few silly lines on an online 
forum, trying to make fun of a 'tea party' 
protest, while your state economy declares 
itself insolvent! Go figure.

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