It was not a projection.  I called you a dummy because you don't seem to 
know history.  The history of this country from it's inception has been 
a battle between a bunch of materialistic fools who though it was their 
divine right to rule and an intellectual minority that didn't care to 
accumulate a lot of property (which is a responsibility) or to rule over 
other (also a responsibility).  It therefore is a product of nature.  
The intellectual set will only take so much from the materialists and 
then it is war.  To the intellectual set the materialists all look like 
a bunch of vain fools and dangerous ones at that.  We have seen what 
they do to the world and don't like it.

If you don't like my criticism then tough shit.

sgrayatlarge wrote:
> This will do Bhairitu
> Psychological projection or projection bias (including Freudian Projection) 
> is the unconscious act of denial of a person's own attributes, thoughts, and 
> emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the 
> weather, the government, a tool, or to other people. Thus, it involves 
> imagining or projecting that others have those feelings.
> "You behave like a dummy you will be 
> called one.  You and Willy can't stand the heat in the kitchen and start 
>>>> whining when any of us turn up the heat.  Wuus!"
> Accusing me of dummy like behavior when I expressed my opinion is pushing it 
> and I can only come up with the conclusion of projection. You are not my 
> parent, so knock it off.
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> And your definition of "projection" is?
>> sgrayatlarge wrote:
>>> Again projection
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> I am a tantric feudalist?  ROTFL!   You behave like a dummy you will be 
>>>> called one.  You and Willy can't stand the heat in the kitchen and start 
>>>> whining when any of us turn up the heat.  Wuus!
>>>> sgrayatlarge wrote:
>>>>> The Tantric Feudalist proves my point, when in doubt,attack personally. 
>>>>> You define insularity
>>>>> --- In, "Bhairitu" <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>>>> Nah, that's history you dummy.
>>>>>> ----- Reply message -----
>>>>>> From: "sgrayatlarge" <>
>>>>>> Date: Sun, Apr 4, 2010 9:57 AM
>>>>>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for 
>>>>>> over 40 years been the enemies of a democratic USA
>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>> Projecting again?
>>>>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>>>>> 40 years?  How 'bout 234 years?  They want their feudal society back.  
>>>>>>> They hate us for our freedom.
>>>>>>> They will make you choose between violence or slavery.  Which do you 
>>>>>>> choose?
>>>>>>> Rick Archer wrote:
>>>>>>>> The following MUST-READ overview is from one of our nation's finest
>>>>>>>> investigative journalists, Robert Parry, and well-describes a 
>>>>>>>> chillingly
>>>>>>>> corrupt and profoundly ANTI-DEMOCRATIC movement spawned by fanatic 
>>>>>>>> "sore
>>>>>>>> losers" among the hard right-wing of this country (a "right-wing" that 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> terribly and injuriously WRONG on all the major issues of our era, 
>>>>>>>> making
>>>>>>>> our nation the worse for it). 
>>>>>>> <snip>

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