From: []
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 1:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Father Len Dubi: How TM enriches my religious
--- In
<> , "Carol" <jchwe...@...> wrote:

God bless you Carol! May all your lunches be as tasty as our savior!

> Hi,
> My name is Carol. I'm mainly an occasional lurker here and recently
> joined the board to maybe, perhaps, at some time jump in on a TM
> discussion or ask a question or two.
> When I read Curtis's response about the cannibalism, I thought it was
> hilarious. Yes, I realize that his response would offend some TB TMOers
> and RCs. But hey, if a TB can't take a satire (with layers, of course)
> about his/her beliefs, well then, the beliefs aren't that
> substantial...are they? Maybe they need more tran-substantiation. ;-)
> Anyhoo, the whole cannibalism dialog brought to mind a clip from South
> Park.
> Note: RC's and Christians might find offense in the click...just
> sayin'... ;-) Jesus is Crackers?
> <>
> Thanks for the laugh!~carol
Reminds me of an idea I've had for years which could probably make me rich,
or get me killed: "Jesus Cheeses": little bite sized Jesus figures made of
cheese, sold with cross-shaped crackers to put them on. Takes the Eucharist
to a whole new level.

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