---------------------Original Message--------------------
wmurphy77" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:10:51 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] "Wars in History have resulted from....." MMY
      "Wars in History have resulted from the cumulative effect of aggression  on the innocent..(Saddam Hussien against Iran, Kuwait the Kurds and others).
...individuals continue to oppress others not knowing that aggression
is growing in the atmosphere eventually to break upon them as their own disaster." (The Gulf war and its finale, 'desert storm'.)
MMY Gita Chapter I vs 13.
Hari Om,
              1, The state of Judea was partitioned under British rule into Israel and Palestine and was over-seen by the British.
      2, Kuwait is an artificial state created by the British. The state of Mesopotomia was partitioned into Iraq and Kuwait by the British to keep control over Kuwait's oil.
      3, The whole of middle-east was under the Ottoman empire. The British used Indian-army to push the Turks out of middle-east. 20,000 Indian soldiers died in that operation.
      4, Wholistic India was partitioned into India, Pakistan, SriLanka, and Burma under the British over-lordship. 100,000 people died in the partition riots. 120,000 women were raped during partition riots.
      5, Britain, partitioned China and Taiwan which was formerly known as Formosa. The problem continues even today.
      6, Britain, Split South-Africa and Zimbawe to create disunity.

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