Some one should do one on one of the following

1) Jerry coming back

2) Judith's book coming out

3) King tony's marriage and kids

4) TMO in trouble

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:

Also, its clearly the Age of Enlightenment, Heaven on Earth

The lion lies down with the lamb, sort of

Trying to Save Wild Tigers by Rehabilitating Them
Published: April 21, 2010
BALIMBING, Indonesia — The two wild Sumatran tigers, held in large, adjoining 
cages here, had killed at least eight people between them.
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They growled ferociously, lunged at a man outside, ran in circles inside the 
cages and slammed against the walls, their eyes radiating a fierceness absent 
in zoo tigers. But if all goes well, one of them eventually will be 
reintroduced into the wild.

In the only one of two such experiments in the world, tiger experts here have 
begun rehabilitating and releasing tigers that have attacked humans and 
livestock elsewhere on Indonesia's island of Sumatra. As a growing human 
population and economic development keep squeezing tigers out of their 
remaining habitats, clashes are increasing with deadly frequency. Last year, 
tigers killed at least nine people in Sumatra, mostly illegal loggers pushing 
ever deeper into previously untouched forest.

In the past 20 months, conservationists have successfully returned four 
Sumatran tigers to the wild here, in what some experts describe as a promising 
strategy to help save the world's population of wild tigers — now below 3,000, 
or less than 3 percent of their numbers a century ago. The Sumatran tiger, with 
fewer than 400 left, is considered one of the most critically endangered of the 
world's six surviving tiger subspecies.

The tigers' release has drawn criticism, not least from local villagers who 
complain that they have lost goats and chickens to the predators, and now fear 
venturing outside at night. Some conservation groups, including the World 
Wildlife Fund, have hesitated to get involved with the program, which is 
financed by Tomy Winata, an Indonesian tycoon who parlayed close ties to the 
military into building an empire in real estate, banking, mining and other 

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