Not at the cost of my kid. 

From: WillyTex <>
Sent: Thu, 22 April, 2010 7:19:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Israel to continue its invasion of the West Bank.


> > Is there any reason why a Jew shouldn't build a 
> house anywhere he or she wants to? 
> >
> Nobody wasn't saying anything about Jew's not being
> able to build where they want...
Except in Jerusalem - that doesn't even make any sense.

> unless that land is owned by somebody else.
You're still not even making any sense - the land the 
Jews want to build on was paid for with cash. It's a 
plot on the side of a barren hill. 

You still can't seem to get it straight - the Arabs 
invaded Israel, not the other way around! You ands 
Barry1 probably think it was the Jews that caused the 
9/11. Go figure.

> Then they need to buy it, right? 
You idiot - the Temple Mount isn't for sale, but 
everyone knows that the Mosque was built by the 
invading Arabs that tore down the Jewish Temple and 
built a 'golden dome' in the very same spot. Get some 
smarts and read some history.

> Beside your whole "Jew-baiter" thing smacks of two
> faced ring wing politics...
Every U.S. president since Harry Truman has supported 
the right of Israel to exist. Barack Obama said 
Jerusalem was the 'capital of Israel' and would be 
defended at any cost. .


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