--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB :

> Found an ad for one of those great "home study" courses today, and
> thought I would pass it on, because people in this line of work are
> sorely needed.
> I mean, look at the havoc that two broken vibrators hath wrought on
> just in the first few hours of the "new posting week." Nine "Gotta
> this pent-up energy somehow" posts, all of which could possibly have
> been avoided if the posters' buzz units had been working properly.
> [http://antzinpantz.com/kns/images/jul09/vibrator_repair.jpg]
> http://antzinpantz.com/kns/images/jul09/vibrator_repair.jpg
> <http://antzinpantz.com/kns/images/jul09/vibrator_repair.jpg>

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