Although Carlos may have made up most of the stuff in his books, even the made 
up parts are quite fascinating and instructive.
Let's briefly cover his (the supposed Nagual) notion of "impeccability".
There's a moral component to this only to a degree, since an evil sorcerer can 
take care to be impeccable within karmic limits.
Foremost, one must undertake various practices to insure that one is protected 
from psychic attacks by other sorcerers, especially.
But like the "good-Spy/ bad-Spy" comics, there's no absolutely foolproof 
Such protection is evolutionary, akin to the various types of strategies 
undertaken by insects, birds, and other creatures to enhance their own 
protective devices while at the same time gaining an edge on the next meal.
By way of examples, if somebody is assassinated - like Tat Walla Baba (in spite 
of a strong psychic shield); or in the case of Gandhi, well we can say that 
although in the first case, Tat was well aware of impeccability strategies but 
failed due to bad karma.
Gandhi covered himself with a huge amount of good karma and had millions of 
followers, but for some unknown underlying karmic reasons coupled with more 
obvious causes, there was a chink in this psychic armor - right in the chest.
Now getting to MMY,  somewhat separate from his messing around with the female 
followers; it';s quite obvious that the man knew virtually nothing about the 
concept of impeccability and his psychic armor (if any - due to multitudes of 
yagyas); had so many holes it that he was like that old Jerry Lewis movie where 
he was inducted into the Army and had lots of shots.  Spouts of water spewed 
out of the holes.
As "Nagual"'s go, MMY was a total embarrassment to the concept of 
impeccability.  What a disgrace!


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