 From: i...@conservativebattleline.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 4/28/2010  12:12:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: New Issue of Conservative  Battleline: The Party's Over

TO:  Fellow Conservative
FROM:  Donald Devine, Editor of Conservative Battleline  Online
NEWS:  New Issue of Conservative Battleline: The  Party's Over

Now  you can download the entire issue and read it later
_in a PDF  document_ (http://acuf.org/pdfs/CBO-100428.pdf) 
_The Party's Over: _ 
Obama can't make  it work. 
by Donald Devine
_Energy Secretary Confused: _ 
Admits  recent cooling.
by Dennis  Avery
_Impossible ObamaCare Dream:  _ 
Subsidies and higher costs.
by John  Goodman  
_Media Tea Party Mud: _ 
Liberals  oppose protesting?
by Brent  Bozell

_Obama's Defining Lie: _ 
Health bill  saves $1 trillion.
by Terry  Jeffrey
_Discrediting Parents: _ 
It's our  job.
by Richard Roety
Read  all 18 articles in the current edition by clicking _here_ 
We  also solicit your articles for possible publication. This is your  
publication and we want you to express your views by emailing 
_i...@conservativebattleline.com_ (mailto:i...@conservativebattleline.com) .  
We  reserve the right to edit submissions and to reject those we deem  
inappropriate. We will use only first names in letters to the  editor, unless 
you specify that we should use your full name.  Please include your home city 
and state. We can only accept  submissions via e-mail.
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as spam. To prevent this, please add _i...@conservativebattleline.com_ 
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Donald  Devine, the editor of Conservative Battleline Online, was the  
director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from 1981 to  1985 under 
Ronald Reagan and is Senior Scholar at Bellevue  University's Center for 
American Vision and  Values. 
The American  Conservative Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt 
public  charity.
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