--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> Disturbing worst case scenario article about the oil spill
> and other matters.
> http://www.truthout.org/things-fall-apart59152

BTW, the quote from the engineer's letter from Pure Energy
Systems has one crucial fact wrong: the sunken rig is *not*
sitting on top of the wellhead. It landed quite a distance
away and isn't an impediment to getting at the well.

On the Pure Energy Systems site, those references have
been crossed out. The date of the post with the letter
is May 2.



William Rivers Pitts's piece on truthout is dated May 4.
Why did he leave those mistaken parts in?

He also does not quote a commentary from Pure Energy Systems
on the engineer's letter that's considerably less overwrought.

Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
doesn't help to exaggerate it.

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