Transcendental Meditation 
supported by First Nations leaders in Canada
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News   12 May 2010

A number of First Nations leaders have given their support to make 
Transcendental Meditation and other programmes available to their colleagues 
and to all First Nations people in Canada.  

Raja Paul Potter, Raja of Invincible Canada for the Global Country of World 
Peace, reported on these initiatives along with Dr Christopher Collrin, 
National Director of Communication for the Global Country in Canada.* 

The chair of a First Nations assembly invited her entire committee to learn the 
Transcendental Meditation Programme. Four members have learned the technique 
and two more are scheduled to begin in the near future, said Dr Collrin. She is 
also helping introduce the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to leaders in 
the field of health. 

Last month, at the invitation of the Global Mother Divine Organization,** she 
and a colleague visited the Maharishi Ayur-Veda health spa, The Raj, and toured 
Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Her 
colleague, who is chair of another First Nations assembly, learned 
Transcendental Meditation during their stay. 

The leaders were especially interested in the Global Mother Divine 
Organization's programmes for health, mother and child, Consciousness-Based 
Education, as well as sustainability and coherence-creating groups at MUM. 

The visit inspired potential plans for another visit to MUM with over 120 women 
First Nations chiefs in Canada. 

In the coming days, Global Good News will feature the continuation of this 
report, including support from other First Nations leaders. 

* Raja Paul Potter's report was featured on the 6 May 2010 Maharishi Global 
Family Chat, broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, 
Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now 
available for automatic download, via an RSS feed. 

** The Global Mother Divine Organization, founded in December 2007, is the 
ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace. 

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