I have lamentably always been a fairly lame nerd with 
regard to mobile phones. All that mattered to me was
the ability to receive and make phone calls. I don't
even "text" people. Besides, with my aging eyes, some
of the text on the screens of fancier phones was just
too small for me to read.

But now, with OS's like the iPhone's and Android, 
increasing the font size is a matter of a thumb-swipe,
so I can consider these smarter phones. And because 
I've made more money than usual this last quarter, my 
company has to find things to spend that money on, so 
that I don't have to give it all to the Spanish govern-
ment in corporate taxes. So I'm thinkin' of having my 
company buy me a cool Android phone.

I know that you have one, and since you are usually
as knowledgeable about fun nerd toys as you are opinion-
ated about them, I thought I'd ask your opinion. :-)

So what's a cool Android phone? I tend to like Samsung
equipment across the board, but really haven't invest-
igated any of these phones yet, so any recommendations
you might have would be of interest to me, and helpful.

More important, since you obviously use and write apps
for Android phones, what are some of the cool ones?

I know *diddleysquat* about phone apps. Can't say I 
have ever used one or lusted after one, with the excep-
tion of Jamie Oliver's "20 Minute Recipes" app for the
iPhone. Shake the phone, and it gives you a healthy
recipe you can make in 20 minutes, at random from a 
database of such recipes. I hear it's the biggest-
selling iPhone app in the UK, and one of the biggest-
selling worldwide. Hearing about it almost made me
buy an iPhone.

But that is literally *all* I know about the new era
of mobile telephony, so I'm all ears to hear what you
can tell me about these toys. If I were to score one
of these Android phones, what would I want to have
running on it? For example, can they access a WiFi 
connection and run Skype, like the iPod can? Thanks 
in advance,

Turq, the Phone-Impaired

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