lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> Turq:
> And now Ravi's interview has quietly
>> been "disappeared" from the list, so as not to somehow
>> cast questions upon the other interviews, and on the
>> whole concept of "ordinary enlightenment."
>   Rick:
> I removed it. I think each interview stands on it's own, but if I were
> one
>> of the people interviewed, I might feel uncomfortable about being
> associated
>> with someone who was acting as Ravi has been. In light of Ravi's
> behavior, I
>> didn't think it appropriate to post his interview, both for the
> BatGap's
>> reputation and for Ravi's well-being. I don't think it's healthy for
> him to
>> get any more attention or to have anything reinforce his notion that
> he is a
>> guru.
> I didn't listen to the interview, so I have no idea of the content. 
> But, removing it for the reasons stated sounds a little "coddling", if
> that's the right word.  Coddling to Ravi, and coddling to those who
> visit the site.  So, what is the "reputation" of Batgap. And I say that
> respectfully, because you have spent a lot of time and energy, and
> probably money (although I am aware of your wife's requirement about
> that).  But how is the interview going to tarnish the reputation. 
> Thanks.

And especially now after the brouhaha more people probably want to see 
it.  I know I do.

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