--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > The very same thing is what jumped out for me. As I see it, 
> > from the perspective of "Waking Down Brand Second Birth 
> > Awakening", having awoken to my ocean nature makes being a 
> > wave/drop a WHOLE lot more fun and easier to deal with. Like 
> > Adyashanti describes it, it's a very peaceful, quiet freedom. 
> > For me, it's such a huge relief that I can't comprehend 
> > someone thinking it's not good enough. 
> Similarly, I cannot conceive of anyone clinging to
> and glorifying the Maharishi-promoted idea that the
> ultimate goal of life -- having realized "200% of
> life" (transcendent and relative coexisting peace-
> fully in enlightenment) -- is to at that point die
> and go back to 100% (transcendent only), as if that 
> were an admirable or a worthy goal, much less the
> "highest goal in life."

I guess I never got the full memo, because mine stopped at 200%. I didn't get 
the part glorifying death of the body.
> I think that a lot of my inability to conceive of 
> such a belief system is the same thing that gives 
> me pause with Buddha's supposed First Noble Truth,
> that "Life is suffering." Life is *not* suffering
> for me. Never has been. Hope that it never will be.
> Unlike many, I was *never* drawn to meditation and
> the spiritual path because I felt that my current
> life was "suffering" or didn't work. I felt that
> my life was pretty cool; I was merely looking for
> ways to make it cooler. 

I do understand the concept of "life is suffering" because I did spend decades 
in egoic aversion to how the I/me story shows up and egoic grasping for 
fulfillment in the relative world. Which is not to say that there is no longer 
*any* aversion/grasping going on; it's just no longer the governing force. I do 
still experience a certain degree of suffering when I allow myself to get 
caught up in a polarity, like I'm doing with the issue of Dan's suicide. I 
think what he did was a horrible, cruel, ignoble, selfish act... a giant "Fuck 
You!" to the whole community, and because of that, I find these new age 
hagiographies of him offensive.

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