Some might have gleaned this before, but let's try it again in a concise
way. But Ravi understands since he was there before, most of us don't have
the tools to judge the inner expansiveness of a person - need to focus on
heart and intuition rather than the mind.

Steve was one of the lucky ones, Michael, Lisa were the others - Steve
understood at a heart level when he talked personally to Ravi but his mind
deceived him again. Ravi appreciates his courageousness, not hiding with
fake id's and false propaganda, Rick understood too at a certain level.

Ravi was very humble - he has achieved nothing, he said his awakening was a
result of everyone around him and everyone should rejoice at this, he is not
an isolated entity, but he is alive, the real pun is on the people around
him. His awakening is threatening to everyone around him. Ravi feels
incredibly blessed, he surely doesn't think he deserves it, Osho called the
meaning of Bhagwan as a blessed one. But Osho is a dead guru too and clearly
said as much, a dead guru could only be a stepping stone.

Most of the people are zombies, as if on meds, but FFL and the rest of the
world recommended Ravi become a zombie like them..:-), only then can FFL and
the rest of the world understand Ravi - thats the pun and irony !!!!

Rick was right in commenting on Ravi's writing, but he doesn't get the real
reason, he shouldn't depend on his reasoning here..:-), Ravi's writing was
of an alive person. Languages like English and Sanskrit can be manipulated
to say a lot while meaning nothing - language of dead religions, dead
people, dead rituals. Some follow false gurus, philosophies, any thing that
doesn't threaten their mundane existence.

Who understands the language of love !!! A satguru like Ammachi would visit
places like Fairfield, but who bothers, dead people like dead discussions
like the one on FFL, Ammachi, and other groups. People visiting Amma's
programs would complain about a $7 meal while having no issues with a $7
coffee at Starbucks !!!! An alive person like Ravi is kicked out at batgap,
moderated at Ammachi, at least he's still on at FFL, he's grateful for that.

When he says he controls the conversation the real meaning is that he is
completely unaffected by someone else, his energy is at the ajna chakra, he
doesn't claim to be a guru but he thinks he is a yogi indeed.

Religion, Ritual, language are made alive by Satgurus lke Ammachi !!! So
it's better to stop following dead gurus, dead religions, dead rituals, dead

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