Actually the old man on a throne is one of the images of Zeus
Pantokrator and also its derivative Christ Pantocrator. This is the
idea/eidos of "God" we get from the x-gen bible.

YHVH was initially just a mountain "protector-deity" later universalized
by the Hebrews once they encountered Platonism.

The ancient Greek and Hindu deities were more like actors playing out a
drama with humans and each other.

We could call it "local cosmos opera" or get fancy and call it Lila.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:

> At least the Christian God is an old fart who mainly
> sits on a throne and strokes His long, hoary beard
> and lets His son do the dirty work for Him. In
> their mythology He doesn't go running around trying
> to pork other people's wives. If one had to believe
> that some "immense being" was In Charge, better
> this one than the petty gods and goddesses of
> Brahmaloka in my opinion.

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