From: []
On Behalf Of Hugo
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 4:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama gets tough with BP

I think getting tough on polluting companies is a great 
idea. How about getting Union Carbide to clean up Bophal 
and pay some decent compensation there. And make Texaco pay
for the appalling environmental damage and abuse they 
inflicted on the indigenous people in Ecuador.

And then we can all sit back, drink some coffee and wake
up a bit. We are running out of oil, so fast that we have 
to resort to stupidity like deep water drilling and raping 
Alaska for it's tar sands when really we should be cutting 
back and looking for alternatives. 

But how will that sit with the average American voter? Not 
very well is my guess, so unless the US wants to take steps
to stop being the world number one gas guzzler they should 
shut up and get used to the fact that oil is going to become
both more scarce, more expensive and potentially more dangerous
to extract in the *very* near future.
The minute the spill happened I felt it was Nature's way of telling us in no
uncertain terms that we have to look to alternative energy sources. We don't
change unless we're forced to. And even when it's obvious to any idiot that
we need to, the Republicans oppose it.

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